Friday, March 14, 2008

Shadow Stabbing #6: Glossy Magazines

This week's webcast is dedicated to the wonderfully helpful staff of the CBS Library. Liv, our faculty librarian, was the first to take advantage of the fact that the space behind me really is "for rent". The work of librarians, I should say, has long been a source inspiration for my own work as an editor. We may not really know what you know; but we make knowing practicable behind the scenes.

Practice makes perfect and it's getting easier and easier to make these videos. This time it took me under two hours to record, edit, and upload Shadow Stabbing to YouTube. (Impatient fans can usually see the webcast on YouTube on Thursday evening when I upload it. Friday I post it to this blog.) Next time I'll know where the "left" and "right" of the image really is. In any case, making these videos is becoming a fun part of my routine.

I've also enjoyed writing this week's posts about how to "gloss" your work. Writing the ASQ and HBR glosses demand that you reflect on the theoretical and practical implications of your work, respectively. I now suggest the New Yorker, the Economist, and Harper's as imaginary glosses of a lay perspective on your research. Management theoreticians and practitioners are both professionals. Magazines publish more "popular" accounts. (Donald Hambrick's essay in the AMJ and his short piece in BusinessWeek on the same subject are good illustrations of this difference.) In any case, do take the time to read some good prose in English.

Put a mark in your calendar for April 8, 14.00-16.00. I will be holding a seminar about Karl Weick's scholarly breaching as part of my attempt to put an "ASQ gloss" on my work. It will be held here at the department in room 3.135. A draft of the paper will be ready by Friday, March 28. Let me know if you want a copy.

RSL is going on vacation until Tuesday, March 25. Have a Happy Easter. If you are also taking a vacation, do remember NOT to write. Taking time off is important. Otherwise, keep searching.

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